Thursday, January 03, 2008
First Friday of the New Year
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Happy New Years Everyone. I could go on and on about my lack of regular posting these past couple months with weddings, holidays, family and all equally playing a role in my distractions, not to mention the curating projects I have been busy with... But, it is a new year and there for a good time for new beginnings.
Some good news I can pass on, for those of you who had been paying attention to the Carmel museum talk for half of last year, with out getting into the numerous layers of troubles we came upon in that journey and some that we are still working with, MiCo (Midwest Museum of Contemporary Art) has made the decision to go nomadic for the time being, and bring forth the exhibitions I have been curating for them. The first of which is opening this Friday at the Harrison Center for the Arts. We hope to announce the date and location of the next show soon. While MiCo currently does not have an official home, we can still bring art to the city. I hope you all enjoy it.
So here we go, below are a selection of shows to check out this First Friday and for a more comprehensive listing, click on the IDADA First Friday link. Hope to see you all out there. I know it is cold, just bundle up and enjoy. You may even spy all your favorite people wearing there new christmas wardrobes. MiCo presents:
a look at suburban backyard living.”
Opening Reception, January 4th 6-9pm
Harrison Center for the Arts
1505 North Delaware
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 317.238-0998
Gallery hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat: 12-4pm
Exhibition open through January 26th
This show brings together emerging contemporary artists who have each explored the formal and conceptual qualities of the suburban American backyard. Informed by their own experiences and perspectives, these diverse artists have examined how the suburban backyard speaks to the human condition, escapism, leisure, humor, and the American dream.
Featuring video work, photography, drawing, sculpture and installations by Meredith Allen, Yoon Cho, Chris Doyle, Rachel Hayes, Matt Lynch, Emily Kennerk, Brian McCutcheon, David A. Parker, Macha Suzuki, Chris Vorhees and Pipo Nguyen-Duy. Exhibition curated by Scott Grow
Also at the Harrison Center for the Arts,
In the Unusual Animals Project Space - Mostly Loves Clouds. Every piece of art in this group show is $20 with proceeds benefiting the Unusual Animals Project Space.
First Friday opening event: Jan. 4, 6 p.m. to midnight. Slownod: A Romantic Nightmare
by Andrew McGaha.
at Big Car Gallery
Studio 214 in the Murphy Arts Building,
Fountain Square
Stark, dark and eerie, this show combines photography and video to capture the mystery that veils our understanding of lovers, friends and family. Though dear to our hearts, what truly lies in their heart can never fully be known. The expressive capacity of the dream state transforms these waking life fears into perverse images of mangled people, broken thoughts and shattered desires. Tiptoeing the line between the conscious and unconscious mind, "Slownod" delivers a mix of strange relationships, amusing oddities, horror, death and love. A nightmare painted with love, desire and desperation, romanticizing the life and death of many relationships.
Music by Gentleman Caller at 9 p.m., free but donations accepted.
Exhibition open through January 20th
Also Showing:
ALCHEMY art + aesthetics
1043 Virginia Ave, No. 3
Launch of “Portrait Trade Project 2008”—This month see the self-portraits
of 10 local artists, all of whom will participate throughout the year in this
innovative year-long show. Hours: Tu, Th, Fri 11–8, Wed 10–6, Sat 10–4.
Ruschman Gallery
948 N. Alabama St
“Group Show”—by gallery artists. Thru Jan. 26th. Regular Hours: Tu–Sat
11–5pm; Open late on IDADA First Fridays 11–9pm.
For those of you lookin for something to do this Saturday, perhaps head down to Louisville, KY to check out the latest exhibition of works by Casey Roberts at a gallery called the 930.
15 Responses to “First Friday of the New Year”
January 3, 2008 at 11:20 AM
see everyone at big car on friday.
January 4, 2008 at 6:33 PM
How many contemporary arts orginization is J. Efe gonna start? MiCO? Come on. That's just silly.
What's it gonna do compete with imoca for lack of relevancy?
January 5, 2008 at 1:18 PM
My thoughts exactly
but there is lots of money to throw
around by J. Efe wither it is worth it or not.
January 5, 2008 at 3:01 PM
What's the logic of an argument that someone is doing too much? Sounds ridiculous. Better, I suppose, that we all just wait for the art scene to change on its own...
January 5, 2008 at 9:12 PM
Well, it depends what you mean by too much. Too much without focus isn't always a good thing
G'head and look up what are and for how long J. Efe's projects last. Anyone know all of them? iMOCA and MiCO come to mind, but I know there are others.
The remarkable project that he does is the Efe Grants, and he and his family's support of Indy museums.
Truly remarkable and worthy of great praise; they've given tons of money and really helped this city. If I could, I'd thank he and his family for their support of Indy museums.
And if you think money is the great catalyst for changing an "art scence" your nuts. Only an improvement in the art here will change the art scence, and good art comes from good ideas, which can only come from smart minds that know how to read, think, and look at art. In fact, money can make it worse. If you consistantly reward people for mediocracy that's doing no good to no one in the long run.
January 6, 2008 at 12:58 AM
January 6, 2008 at 1:04 AM
photos from this First Friday
January 6, 2008 at 1:24 PM
You can add the Harrison Center and Primary Colours to projects of Efroymson's projects- how long have they been around?
January 6, 2008 at 8:57 PM
How about Recent Projects?
January 7, 2008 at 12:18 PM
Primary Colours has never been an "Efroymson Project"
January 7, 2008 at 11:16 PM
how many of us have ever started doing different things or started being involved with different groups and and then stopped after a while? Maybe ... all of us.
January 8, 2008 at 8:08 AM
It's odd to put this together with all these posts, and I'm not sure where all of this is coming from, but I'm going to go with it.
And I certainly don't understand how these different projects could be seen as a negative thing like some have said. It seems clear, though, that Jeremy Efroymson
wants to help to lead and improve the Indianapolis Art scene. I think it's fair to assess if he's been succesful with his efforts.
It's interesting to imagine if there had just been one project: the Harrison Center and all the time and effort put into all these other projects would have stayed there and helped just one place continue to grow in a lot of different ways. I wonder what the HC would be now.
January 8, 2008 at 9:40 PM
it would be the harrison center because the church sets the tone for the building, as is their right to do so, and that tone encourages a distinct environment.
this is not a criticism of the church, the gallery or anyone involved in the harrison, its just what it is
January 13, 2008 at 10:21 AM
What does any of this matter when (at least from what i can see on the flikr site) the median age of the attendees to these shows is 25?
Artists can only survive if they sell their art and if you are only attracting the fun, hip "young set" (who has zero cash for art), you ain't gonna help any artist make it whether you are J. Efy or not.
Suggestion: Figure out how to purchase a qualified mailing list and tempt some actual art buyers with solid marketing pieces. The last postcard I saw for a J.Efy show looked like it was designed by a middle-school student or worse.
January 20, 2008 at 3:05 PM
Back to the art, I thought the backyard show was great! Scott Grow pulled together a good group of artists dealing with the idea of the backyard from different perspectives: backyard as American Dream of property ownership, backyard as place of private sanctuary, etc. This was one of the best shows I've seen at the Harrison Center and it was perfectly appropriate for that venue. If MiCo will do equally good services in its upcoming venues -- rennovations, elevating/expanding the programming, etc. -- then I can see precisely what this offers to the Indy "art scene." Nice work, Scott.
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