Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Staying in Indy this week?
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For those of you who may be braveing the cold this weekend in Indy rather than hopping a plane to Miami, you may as well do something fun and potentially exciting. Well why not go out and see any number of local shows this holiday season during the IDADA First Friday event. Want to up the ante? Then swing on by the Community Museum Lab (in Fountain Square) for some "Mini Golf Art". What? You may ask. Well if I were going to be in town, I would not hesitate to go and see what to make of this. Everyone have a wonderful weekend, and I hope to report back on my trip to Miami.December 7th
Mini Golf Art
the presentation of a putt-putt golf course put together by Brian McCutcheon's freshman 3d Design class of Herron School of Art. Open Friday night from 5pm-8pm and Saturday from 12pm-4pm. Oh and don't forget the Mug 'n Bun too.
at the Community Museum Lab,
1127 E Prospect
Over at the Harrison Center for the Arts, Check out...White Christmas - What You Crave
Friday, December 7
6:00 - 10:00 pm
It’s the Harrison Center’s annual holiday group show: white art and lots of it. In the gymnasium: Motus Dance Theatre presents Emerging Spaces, a collaboration with visual artist Kyle Ragsdale. In the sanctuary: children’s holiday performance followed by a white wedding re-enactment, then Twilight & Ghost Stories, a quadraphonic sound installation from Chris Schlarb. “Wedding reception” across from the gallery complete with cake (white, of course) and karaoke. In the Unusual Animals Project Space: Cindy Hinant’s installation, Cascades. Plenty of white food and beverages and 21 open artist studios, too.
Primary Colours' annual TOYS show in Gallery No. 2 begins at 5pm. The show exhibits art fashioned around the theme of toys, and invited artists are free to interpret the theme as they see fit. Attendees are asked to bring dried pasta to help support Second Helpings (www.secondhelpings.org) in their efforts to help eliminate hunger in Indianapolis.
Be sure to stop by the Murphy Building in Fountain Square..."Under the Weather: Paintings and Other Things"
What: First Friday opening for outsider artists Alfred Eaker, Bill Ross, Keith Banner and Joe Griffith.
Where: Big Car Gallery, 1043 Virginia Ave. Suite 215.
When: 6 p.m. to midnight, Dec. 7; live music at 9:30 p.m.
Cost: Free but donations are accepted.
Info: (317) 450-6630.
Quote from the artists: Most of us believed, or at least hoped, the 21st century would be the dawn of something better. Those hopes, of course, have been sadly shattered, and, if anything, the world has become increasingly absurd. In essence, we are all "under the weather" and the only way to react is with equal absurdity, a little sadness, and a lot of shatter. This show goes directly to the root of this absurdity, without losing the sense of what it means to be completely absurd: a penchant for the nonsensical, with an eye cast toward the tragic. Watch out.
Music that night featuring: The Philosophy, Sarah Grain, Jascha and more.
Also, the our wonderful friends the Hoosier Beer Geeks will offer tasty samplings of winter warmer beers that night.
9 Responses to “Staying in Indy this week?”
December 5, 2007 at 1:14 AM
There is also a show at Flux in Fountain Square.
Group Show
FLUX will be displaying the artwork of:
Emily Stergar, Nicci Herren, Ben Murray, DeAnne Roth, Brose Partington, Kipp Normand, Darlene Delbecq, Sigrid Zahner, Mark Richardson, Lisa Loudon, Alonso Sieraltta, Patrick Gillespie, and Tyler Meuninck.
December 5, 2007 at 1:15 AM
It's on Friday 5-9. up through the 22nd.
December 5, 2007 at 9:10 PM
We off to Minneapolis then to Miami and we are so Happy not to be here this week
December 6, 2007 at 11:39 PM
Well, I got a Big Car in my pants in Miami.
December 9, 2007 at 9:51 AM
i wonder if the harrison center understands copyright laws and how badly they could be sued if someone were to simply forward that postcard to the white castle corporate office
the logo is ripped off
the tagline is ripped off
gee, they could sure get in a lotta trouble, even tho they aren't selling food, they're still selling something using someone elses logo to do so. hmmmm.....
wouldn't it have been easier (and more creative) to come up with something original?
December 9, 2007 at 10:20 AM
(to the last poster)
White Castle was a sponsor for the event.
December 9, 2007 at 10:13 PM
Ouch. Maybe you should know what your talking about before you take off on some White Castle rant.
December 12, 2007 at 1:07 PM
lol that is great...
December 12, 2007 at 1:12 PM
Parody: Fair Use or Copyright Infringement
© Copyright 1999 Lloyd L. Rich
It has been a long-standing practice to poke fun at our cultural icons, symbols, public figures and celebrities. A parody exists when one imitates a serious piece of work, such as literature, music or artwork, for a humorous or satirical effect. Parody, as a method of criticism, has been a very popular means for authors, entertainers and advertisers to communicate a particular message or point of view to the public.
A parody, because it is a method of criticism, must inevitably make use of another creative work. This inherently creates a conflict between the creator of the work that is being parodied (as no one likes to be criticized, made fun of or ridiculed) and the creator of the parody. It is also highly unlikely that a copyright owner will grant permission or a license to a parodist to use their copyright protected work in creating a parody.
Since copyright law prohibits the substantial use of a copyrighted work without permission of the copyright owner, and because such permission is highly unlikely when the use is to create a parody, it may be necessary for the parodist to rely on the fair-use defense to forestall any liability for copyright infringement. However, the fair-use defense if successful will only be successful when the newly created work that purports itself to be parody is a valid parody.
Another line of defense that may be available for parodists are the free speech principles incorporated in the First Amendment. Historically courts have been sensitive to the interaction between parody as a means of entertainment and as a form of social commentary and criticism and First Amendment values. The public interest in such expression could be construed as outweighing the rights of the copyright owner. Entertainers have successfully invoked free speech principles to present wide-ranging artistic expression. However, when commercial gain appears to be the primary motive such as in movies, books, songs, plays and visual art the parodist's work and its defense under the First Amendment and fair use doctrine has frequently resulted in a number of court decisions that are seemingly irreconcilable.
The courts have continually struggled with parody cases when ascertaining whether a particular parody falls within the parameters of fair use or is instead copyright infringement. The fair use section of the Copyright Act specifically enumerates criticism as one of the purposes for which the fair use defense was contemplated, but should this imply that a parody should have more extensive latitude than other types of creative works when the fair-use defense is invoked? If parody fails to be protected by the fair use doctrine would this then result in the disappearance of parody as a form of social criticism and comment? What would happen to the parody genre if the parodist is unable to obtain permission to use a parodied work and is then failing to obtain permission is unable to successfully invoke the fair use defense? Should the parody fair-use defense be made more expansive to ensure that copyright infringement does not prohibit a use that in all likelihood would not be licensed from the copyright owner?
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