Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Interview: Maxwell Anderson, 2007
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Have you ever had a flashback that you were stuck once again in a high school speech class, anxiety building, stumbling over your own words? Well, in a way that is how I felt this week as I was interviewing Max Anderson for On the Cusp. This being our second interview with Max, the first of which was done via email while he was on vacation with his family, just before he took over as the executive director of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. In an attempt to make things more interactive and hopefully better, we are posting our first ever audio interview, recorded a few days ago in his office.
(Note: The interview is an mp3 file, approximately 16 minutes, if you encounter playback problems please inform me via the comments section and I will see what I can do)
After the interview was technically over and I turned off the recorder our conversation actually continued in a much more casual fashion, which I regretfully did not think to restart the recording. One of the things we chatted about was the launch of a new IMA web site coming in a couple months, which should add a much needed element of usability, as well as more information about the museum, such as the ability to track patrons, budget spending, etc.
Names mentioned in interview:
Cultural Trail; Art and Nature Park artists; R. Craig Miller; Bruce Mau Design; Guillermo Kuitca; Peter Eisenman; Mary Miss; Andrea Zittel; Viewfinders; Alfredo Jaar; Emily Kennerk; Amy Cuttler; "Prescriptions for Art Museums in the Decade Ahead"
Note: In the past we have had some issues when it came to posting interviews, as they seem to draw more comments from our readers than other posts. I welcome this and look forward to it. That said, I implore you to please keep all commentary respectful and civil or else I will be inclined to start moderating and perhaps deleting some comments. While I welcome opposing views, I hope the discussions can still be constructive. Thank you.
9 Responses to “Interview: Maxwell Anderson, 2007”
June 12, 2007 at 7:45 AM
The link is dead.
June 12, 2007 at 9:19 AM
my appologies, it appears we have already exceeded our bandwidth for the day for the mp3 using that host. I am looking for a different host and should have the file back up in an hour or so. sorry for the trouble.
June 12, 2007 at 9:42 AM
Should be working now. Please let me know if it stops again, though I should have plenty of bandwidth now.
June 12, 2007 at 9:46 AM
Your interview with Maxwell Anderson prompts further thoughts on how the spectacular potential of IMA's Fairbanks Art & Nature Park can bring new life to Indianapolis's riverfront vistas by extending in collaboration with IAC's ARTSPARK and the Indiana White River State Park in featuring world-renown Hoosier sculptors and designers like David Smith, George Rickey, Robert Indiana, Michael Graves and Isamu Noguchi...
As I recall, David Smith's sculpture just set a new historic price record for the art world. And Noguchi's under-reported youthful career as a typical Hoosier teenager graduating from LaPorte, Indiana's public high school has again been highlighted by the stunning rediscovery of his life-size Undine bronze created only several short years after arriving In New York from Indiana. http://web.mac.com/gralston/iWeb/NOGUCHI/NoguchiBlog/C7EC1E2F-E3F0-439A-A4EC-A00DEB0C2D68.html
Glenn Ralston, Bloomington
gralston@mac.com; Ralston's WebPageMenus: http://web.mac.com/gralston/iWeb/GbR/MENUhomepages.html
June 13, 2007 at 9:28 PM
Anybody know how to get that link to work?
June 13, 2007 at 9:54 PM
Hitting the little blue triangle should start the audio. If that does not work for you could you tell me what sort of server you are running.
And thanks for the added thoughts Ralston. I agree that it will be interesting to see how the new park could possibly have an impact on the other area arts parks.
June 15, 2007 at 8:16 AM
Yeah, claiming Naguchi as Indiana's own is about as much of a stretch as trying to claim Ezra Pound as Indiana's because he taught here for a year.
February 16, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Hardly. I'm ignorant of Ezra Pound's visit, but Isamu Noguchi LIVED in LaPorte during his formative high school years as a typical Hoosier teenager. Considerable info on Noguchi's Indiana Experience has been collected and added to more than 50 Web pages in the past several years.
Glenn Ralston
February 22, 2009 at 4:03 AM
SERIOUSLY--not at all so:
A while back Anonymous said here..."Yeah, claiming Naguchi as Indiana's own is about as much of a stretch as trying to claim Ezra Pound as Indiana's because he taught here for a year." (June 15, 2007).
It might be suitable for IMA to add clarification here since Indiana Arts circles have over the years somewhat neglected this critical history. World-famed artist Isamu Noguchi did live here in Indiana and attended LaPorte High School for four years as a typical Hoosier teenager. Some believe this has been seriously overlooked. as Anonymous' comment above shows, for too long.
--Glenn Ralston
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